TooFastTurtle, the Torah (referring to the first 5 books) talks about Law, Commandments, Ordinances, Statutes and charges which I believe before God wrong them down many were verbally given to men life Abraham. Why do I say that? If you read Genesis 26:5, God made a statement what Abraham who is a man of faith kept.
What God gave had to do with obedience, though Abraham lived by faith he kept what God asked of him. Genesis 18:8 tells us that Abraham took butter and milk and the calf which he had prepared, and set it before them; and he stood by them under the tree as they ate. It could be safe to cross-reference this passage with the ordinance that God gave Israel to not seethe a kid in his mother's milk and if this is the case, then how did Abraham know, remember that he prepared the calf separately.
I believe that the law wasn't given verbally before it was given on tablets of stones and if you read Jeremiah 31, God said that he would make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah, but not like the one that he made with their fathers. How did he make them with their fathers? On tablets of stones. This prophecy is fulfilled in Hebrews 8.
The question is, what new commandment did he give to the house of Israel and to the house of Judah that he stored in their minds and written in their hearts? I believe this was the Ten Commandments and through the time of Yeshua it appears that they was talking about the Ten Commandment. The law of sacrifice was fulfilled in Yeshua. If you read the story of the teacher of the law testing Yeshua, Yeshua commended him for reading the law of the law right because the two commandments, loving the Lord God with all and loving thy neighbor as thyself fulfills the law.
Let me make this clear, we are save by grace and through the faith of Yeshua and justified by faith alone apart from the law and we are made God's righteousness in Yeshua not through the lord, but we are to be obedient to the law of God, Yeshua only took the curse of the law to the cross and not the blessing of the law for in them man prosper in all his way when he delights and meditate in them.
The Scriptures tell us that if we walk after the Spirit, the Spirit will fulfill the righteousness of the law, so all one has to do is walk after the Spirit seeking for the kingdom of God and his righteousness, the Spirit of God will fulfill the righteousness of the law. Let me make this also clear, one's relationship is not with the law, but with God in Yeshua. Believe the have been condition to believe that if you are obedient to the law you are working, but is one working if he is obedient to the law of loving God with all and loving thy neighbor as thyself? You cannot say one is working and the other is not.
I am not here to convince, that is not my job, I just put it on the table and it is between you and God through prepare and to learn what is so important that God was clear when he first spoke in know thing one does not go into the Scriptures trying to interpret God's word to fit their view.
I do agree that many Torah observers appears to make the law part of salvation and forget that many laws were fulfilled in Yeshua.
Thank you for responding and this is a discussion, not a debate.