Tertullian making a trinity like statement is not a group of Christians proclaiming a belief, that would come 75 years later, like I already said,
I didnt say principles, elements, or bits and pieces, I said a formal teaching of the doctrine of the trinity, I even gave you an example of what that meant.
There was little “force” applied to the Arias generation nor was the much force applied to the next few generations, we do not see that until around the 600s.
The true church, you mean rome? They are the ones that killed Jesus, killed/imprisoned the 12 Apostles and st Paul, that church?
Interesting that when we apply what Jesus taught, fruits, to these two churches, rome and alexandria, we get the opposite of what your saying.
First of all the Alexandrian Christians never killed people to spread their teachings, they also didnt have a political agenda being as Christianity was one of many beliefs in the area and all were welcome.
I didnt say principles, elements, or bits and pieces, I said a formal teaching of the doctrine of the trinity, I even gave you an example of what that meant.
There was little “force” applied to the Arias generation nor was the much force applied to the next few generations, we do not see that until around the 600s.
The true church, you mean rome? They are the ones that killed Jesus, killed/imprisoned the 12 Apostles and st Paul, that church?
Interesting that when we apply what Jesus taught, fruits, to these two churches, rome and alexandria, we get the opposite of what your saying.
First of all the Alexandrian Christians never killed people to spread their teachings, they also didnt have a political agenda being as Christianity was one of many beliefs in the area and all were welcome.
Rome was only one bishopric of several in the true church. Major bishoprics were Jerusalem, Antioch, Alexandria, Constantinople and Rome.
The bishop of Rome, Sylvester, didn't even show up at the Council of Nicea. He sent a few representatives instead.
Rome didn't even have a "pope" in any sense until about 600 AD, with Pope Gregory. Even then, the Roman Catholic Church didn't exist in the form we know it until after the Great Schism. There were bold claims to supremacy after about 450 ad, but they considered themselves to be one of several bishoprics of the true church until the Great Schism.
When you read history, you must realize that the word "catholic" means, basically, pure in teachings. It came about largely to distinguish itself from Arians. Arians and anti-Trinitarians would not have been "catholic" in the sense that they were not real Christians.
Concerning the ones who killed Jesus and the 12 apostles, it's laughable that you claim they were killed by Roman Catholics since they didn't even exist in the form you are claiming. Jesus was killed by the Roman government at the demand of the Jews. The apostles were martyred by different groups, including Jews and secular Romans (not Roman Christians..that's crazy).
By the way, Alexandrian Christians were not Arians...Arians are not Christians. Alexandria had a bishopric of true believers, but they were not Arians. Arians are false believers.
For everyone else, realize that I, too, was caught up in this nutty, conspiracy theory view of Christianity. My guess is that jaybird88 is sitting at home in a bunker surrounded by cultic literature that is feeding his theology. He probably doesn't have a fellowship at all, and if he does, it is some cultic group (perhaps Sabbathkeepers) who hold similar conspiracy theory level views that feed their vain minds with a martyr complex. They view themselves as being the lone defenders of the true faith.
I suggest that you read good books on Church history, such as Nick Needham's 2000 Years of Christ's Power, and realize that church history displays the relentless march of Christians toward glory, with sinful episodes and growth along the way.
And, realize that there are dozens of cultic groups teaching the same essential conspiracy theory level views as jaybird88 is portraying. Don't be fooled by them, and led off into some goofy cultic movement.
I will tell you one thing those types of people don't talk about much: Jesus. After leaving these groups, I found that out. They are obsessed with their little proof-texts claiming that Christians are a false version of the truth. And, in the process, they fail to give Jesus the honor he is due. That is why they hate the teaching that he is God....they don't give honor to Him.
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