Wrong again. At least your consistant.
What we find here are peoples who did not take the mark of the beast PRIOR to this resurrection. The 1st ressurrection. The same resurrection spoken of in 1Cor.15. So if those who are in this resurrection had confronted the “beast” youve got to know that they went through the tribulation period.
I'm going to respond by quoting from three of my previous posts (different convos, different contexts of those convos) but will save me from re-typing a lot of material (let's see how much fits in this post

[quoting those previous posts]
Re: "resurrection"... recall the two kind mentioned in John 5:29.
--"unto the resurrection OF LIFE"
--"unto the resurrection OF DAMNATION/JUDGMENT"
Explain why the Two Witnesses "ascended up to heaven" at the "6th Trumpet[events]/2nd Woe" (when after they ascend, Scripture says, "the third woe cometh quickly" and then [later] says "the seventh angel sounded [the 7th trumpet]" when [you are] saying EVERYONE/ALL SAINTS of ALL TIMES are [supposedly] to be "resurrected" at the 7th Trumpet... Why aren't THESE TWO?!? Why did THEY TWO "ascend" BEFORE that point in time? according to the "7th-Trumpet-[first-]resurrection" viewpoint [which is not my viewpoint]).
[again, my viewpoint: "[re: resurrection] but
each [G1538 - Hekastos - 'each (of more than two)'--per BibleHub] IN HIS OWN ORDER"
1Cor15:23; "blessed and holy is the
one having *A PART [G3313 - meros] in the first resurrection"
Rev20:6... "the resurrection
OF LIFE" Jn5:29--The 2W are included in this "resurrection
OF LIFE" but are seen to be resurrected and ascended up to Heaven BEFORE the 7th Trumpet sounds (and so is "the Church which is His body"
even earlier than that point in the chronology, which is what 1Cor15:51-54 is making a point to say, not to mention the "chronology/sequence" explanations found in passages such as 1Th and 2Th, and 2Tim4:8/Rev4:4/Rev5:9/Eph4:30)]
1Cor15:23 - "[re: resurrection] but each
IN HIS OWN ORDER" (means there is
an ORDER/SEQUENCE to it, and that there doesn't remain only a singular [so called] "general" resurrection).
1) the
Resurrection OF LIFE - …
JESUS 32ad (1Cor15:20 [fulfilling Lev23:10-12 ON FIRSTFRUIT]):
the "many" who, as Matt27:53 says, "came out of the graves AFTER His resurrection,
and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many" (which I believe I already stated that I believe they represent OT saints that will [future] be "resurrected" [that is, to stand again
on the earth--see the fourth entry under this section, below]--A LOT happened on this day [Jesus' Resurrection Day/FIRSTFRUIT], and this is just ONE of the things that did; another thing was His "[ACTIVE] ascension" [
distinct from the 40-day-later "[passive] went up" into heaven that was VISIBLE, Acts 1:9-11 and context)
"the Church WHICH IS HIS BODY" [Eph1:19,20-23 '
when'] (
the "DEAD IN CHRIST" portion OF IT who HAVE DIED)--these together [DEAD IN Christ "resurrected"... ALONG WITH we which are ALIVE and remain] alone/solely are "raptured/caught up [
harpagēsometha] together [AS ONE]/The Departure *FIRST*/the meeting [noun] of the Lord IN THE AIR/our
episynagōgēs [noun] UNTO HIM"; ...Of "the Church WHICH IS HIS BODY," 2Th2:13 [in some translations] says "hath chosen [G138 -
heilato/haireף] you
firstfruit [aparche]"--The "hath chosen [G138 -
heilato/haireף]" is a different Greek word to the
usual "chosen" word used when it speaks of God's chosen/choice, and is "probably akin to" (according to some lexicons or concordances) the "G142 -
airo" word (
"I raise, lift up, take away, remove");
https://biblehub.com/greek/138.htm (scroll down to where it says "Strong's Exhaustive Concordance" and the highlighted "
airo" which will take you to THAT definition)--Again, this is the ONLY entity of which the "Rapture" pertains (
not to all other saints of all
other time periods--but your question has to do with "
resurrection," so back to that...)
the Two Witnesses (Rev11:11-14; at the time of the 6th Trumpet [events]/2nd Woe--which I believe is approx. 3/4 of the way through the 7-yr trib, according to how I've seen the chronology--these "ascend up to heaven in a cloud; and their enemies beheld them"... This, BEFORE the 7th Trumpet/3rd Woe even, not to mention the Vials)
OT Saints (Daniel 12:13 "at the END of the days [the end of the days referred to in that context, vv.1,6-7, that is, AT THE END of the trib]"; I believe Job 19:25-27 shows this; I believe Matthew 8:11 and parallel indicates this, for the G347 "shall sit down" indicates the Meal, which is the promised and prophesied
earthly MK;
ALL saints of all times will be present there, none left out [aka "the wedding
FEAST/SUPPER"... aka "the kingdom of the heavens [
on the earth, commencing upon His 'RETURN'
Saints Who Die/are Martyred in the TRIB (Rev20:4
[ALL THESE ^ are the "Blessed and holy is he that hath
*A PART IN the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power..." Rev20:6 (they will be alive to enjoy the promised and prophesied
earthly MK--no saints will be left out!)]
2) the
Resurrection OF DAMNATION/JUDGMENT (Rev20:11-13--involves the "[unsaved/unrighteous] dead" of all times)
⦁ Rev20:11-15 (GWTj--eternal separation from God; second death)
⦁ Isaiah 24:21-23 (as I already mentioned,
the second part of verse 22, which says, "and
they shall be visited/PUNISHED" [
2nd of
TWO "PUNISH" words here]--this is after their initial punishment [judgment/imprisonment] back at the time of His Second Coming
to the earth, 1000-yrs previous to this [these are living ppl at the time of His Second Coming
to the earth, Rev19:19/16:14-16, but who are against Him, i.e.
they die at this point in time... and are given the final sentence carried out at the
later GWTj])
[end quoting those three previous posts]
Hope this helps.