You have to repent; you have to turn from your sin; yes, you have to be serious about changing. However, the Lord doesn't look at a person's outward performance but their heart, their sincerity. He doesn't expect a person to be perfect but He does expect them to be willing to change. If someone is just mouthing some words in hope to get saved then yeah, they're trusting in their own merit. But if someone says the words and means them He will save them.
What do you suppose the Lord would think if someone knelt before Him and said: Lord, save me. I have no intention of changing; I have no interest in stopping sinning; I just don't want to go to Hell. Unfortunately, that's actually what most people these days think salvation is.
What you're saying sounds like dogma taken to the extreme and has become devoid of any common sense.
What do you suppose the Lord would think if someone knelt before Him and said: Lord, save me. I have no intention of changing; I have no interest in stopping sinning; I just don't want to go to Hell. Unfortunately, that's actually what most people these days think salvation is.
What you're saying sounds like dogma taken to the extreme and has become devoid of any common sense.
There will be fruit from salvation happening of course.. but that fruit isn't what caused it
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