Thanks for your windy sermon.
So, by Jesus saying that "I never knew you", he's really saying that
he did know from eternity that they were fake believers? But how could this be since he's saying that he never knew anything
about them! Must be, right? Isn't that how you interpret Rom 8:29 that says POSITIVELY in part, "for those God foreknew...". Don't YOU interpret that as meaning that God gazed into his cosmic crystal ball and knew in eternity all those who would come to saving faith? And now you're going to take Jesus' NEGATIVE statement and turn it into a positive?

Is that what RBT taught you? If you were consistent, you'd have to say that Jesus on judgment day will be telling the false believers that he never knew anything about them.
Nice magic trick. You would have fit in very well with the sorcerers, magicians and enchanters on Pharaoh's court.
Secondly, with respect to God being pleased with souls who repent and believe, I do have thoughts on that. But it's not what you say. I had more in mind this text:
Rom 8:8
8 Those who are in the flesh cannot please God.
After all, only those who have and live by the Spirit can please God. But in FWT, no one receives the Spirit until AFTER they repent and believe. So how is it possible that flesh lovers (lovers of pleasure, darkness, money, themselves, etc.) can possibly please God -- or for that matter, in their deplorable spiritual condition, come to saving faith and repentance all by their lonesome? The unregenerate are actually in bondage to their flesh (sinful nature), and this is precisely why God is never pleased with such people. Jesus never taught anywhere that sinners can set themselves free from their own bondage.
Finally, whatever it is that you think that God initiates, He always falls short because it's not effectual. God never actually "delivers the goods". (After all...this is precisely why you freewillers look at Jesus as only a POTENTIAL Savior, remember?) Only unregenerate sinners can do what is effectual in FWT -- even though what is effectual with the unregenerate are their enslaved wills.