Sometimes these people who call themselves Christians while objecting so strenuously against how God has decided to do things and what God has done remind me of atheists who would try to shame those they disagreed with over what they believed. Case in point: they loved to tell us we could be in heaven with Hitler while they would be partying with all the fun people in hell. Of course the knee-jerk reaction of some would seem to be to shrivel away from embracing Hitler as one of our own. But why? God's grace is so great that if He accepted Hitler I should feel ZERO shame over sharing heaven with him! Owning the absolute wonderful nature of God that He could forgive even Hitler put the atheists' stupid claims to shame. I know I did not deserve God's grace and yet it was freely GIVEN to me any ways. Why should Hitler be any different? I would tell the atheists, maybe someday they would realize and be grateful for God's grace. We all need it.
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