........ for they are the only ones God wills to be saved and come into the knowledge of the truth?
You have no idea how "donkey" backwards you are about God.
But, to make your inconsistencies work, you settle upon rationales that insult the Integrity of God.
Rather than question your position. One, that you should if you sensed the nature of God?
You take a position that makes God appear to be limited and frustrated, unable to have a righteous resolve,
making God look like he cheats at cards. And then? Declares... "I own the deck!"
You have your God caught in a dilemma of contradiction and inconsistency.
One that forces himself to contradict His divine nature, as to make things work for your choice doctrinal thesis to work.
And, when confronted by solid reasoning?
You duck duck behind some picket fence by writing off the other as an Armenian, or free-willer.
TULIP makes no sense in the light of the fairness and justness of a Righteous God.
But, back when it originated? TULIP would hold the mood of someone who just walked away from the tyrannical insanity of the Vatican, only to replace it with something less tyrannical, and seemingly less insane. The common man was uneducated at the
time both denominations faced off, and were seen as viable and fitting for those so inclined to be wanting to be told what to think
without question.
God decreed before the foundation of the world that I would make this post.