The drawing denotes two things, #1 its for a select group, the elect, for the word draw
helkō is akin to
haireō :
- to take for oneself, to prefer, choose
- to choose by vote, elect to office
The same word used for chosen in 2 Thess 2:13
But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath
G138 ➔ from the beginning
chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth:
So the subjects of the drawing are the ones the Fahter has chosen,
Also helko means to persuade,
To draw, to drag
Meaning: I drag, draw, pull,
persuade, unsheathe.
I by my moral, my spiritual, influence will win over to myself the hearts of all,
John 12:32. Cf. Meyer on
John 6:44;
to persuade is to cause to believe, Faith
The word believe/faith
pistis is from the root
peithō :
- to persuade, i.e. to induce one by words to believe
So the drawn in both Jn 6:44 and 12:32 are all who are brought to Faith/to believe in Christ, Drawing is the giving of the Gift of Faith by the power of God