You have a habit of [intentionally] spelling surely wrong.
Thanks for the link. I know you use that site but the links provide some certainty we can see what you're seeing. A couple comments:
Did we resolve drawing and dragging or coming and believing or Jesus post crucifixion > ascension drawing all [men] or any other tradition-based beliefs you have? How about any Greek issues - did we get anywhere on those other than you ungraciously conceding that @PaulThomson and I were correct and you were wrong about pantas being translated as "all [men]"?
Thanks for the link. I know you use that site but the links provide some certainty we can see what you're seeing. A couple comments:
- You said the word literally means to drag. This doesn't say that and it places no more literal emphasis on drag than draw.
- Did you read the Thayer's Lexicon linked on that page?
- Did you read the commentary at the Trench's Synonyms link on that page?
- None of these support the drag view.
- So, progressive revelation means Jesus is changing the basic context of the verse and section of Scripture He is drawing upon to base His instruction on? You really want to make this argument? If you'd have read the Trench's linked on your reference page you'd see the reference to Jer31:3 with a similar concept of drawing vs. dragging. I think Jesus is well versed in Scripture and the character of God, so, yes, I trust His leading the way I read His Word and how He and others drew from the Hebrew Scriptures.
Did we resolve drawing and dragging or coming and believing or Jesus post crucifixion > ascension drawing all [men] or any other tradition-based beliefs you have? How about any Greek issues - did we get anywhere on those other than you ungraciously conceding that @PaulThomson and I were correct and you were wrong about pantas being translated as "all [men]"?
- to take for oneself, to prefer, choose
- to choose by vote, elect to office
But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath G138 ➔ from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth:
So the subjects of the drawing are the ones the Fahter has chosen,
Also helko means to persuade,
To draw, to drag
Meaning: I drag, draw, pull, persuade, unsheathe.
I by my moral, my spiritual, influence will win over to myself the hearts of all, John 12:32. Cf. Meyer on John 6:44;
to persuade is to cause to believe, Faith
The word believe/faith pistis is from the root peithō :
- to persuade, i.e. to induce one by words to believe
So the drawn in both Jn 6:44 and 12:32 are all who are brought to Faith/to believe in Christ, Drawing is the giving of the Gift of Faith by the power of God
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