Ah! I think we are getting somewhere now; or at least I get what you are saying - I don' agree with everything, but the context of it makes sense!
You said first: "I agree" : I assume you meant that you agree that John 10:29 does not clearly, outrightly say "once saved always saved". But I assume your "I agree" means that you see my idea of the verse as "my interpretation". You don't agree with me about the interpretation of the verse; you would interpret it differently than I do. Am I right about what you meant by "I agree"?
The rest of what you wrote is all good stuff (now that doesn't mean I completely agree: I might say it differently or add to it!

You really think I should get this OSAS thing, and you care about it deeply!! But it is clear that what you are saying is your interpretation of Scripture. (And when I say "your interpretation" that doesn't mean it is wrong!)
You wrote: "isn't it our work to examine the conscience and faith of others" - Yes, I agree - and I assume that is why you ask the questions you do in the rest of your post, because you care about the pure, true, gospel and the "truth of his Son".
I care about them as well! I would say things differently, though similarly to what you do, but I will not go into more details here. I have written enough on other posts.