I hear you....I just don’t understand how a true believer who has been saved by Christ ,can live a life of despair,knowing in their heart that he saved them.
How can anyone take away from a believer,what God gave them.
I truly don’t understand it.....
Dusky,how can being pounded with negativity,take your faith away?
If it came from God?
Because they believe lies that enslave them keeping them from the fullness of salvation.
Taught to believe those lies are godly and anyone who denies those lies are either unsaved or do not have the truth in them.
So they stay enslaved to there sins as a result perhaps even until they die.
It is a very hard thing to unlearn things that are the foundations of your faith
Even if they are in fact man made.
The tithe for example, is a function of law, comes with a curse, is only about what grows in your garden and if your cat has kittens you should put one in the offering plate. or was it just sheep and goats?
Seriously the point is it has become pounded in as if denying the tithe was denying the faith itself.
It has become a sacred cash cow, that has no place in the life of a believer nor is ever found in the NT Church teaching or practices. The teaching of it in fact "Robs God" of un-obligated cheerful givers and robs the givers of benefiting directly from being involved in meeting the needs of one another.
But few can accept it because daring to challenge the lie openly can get you thrown out of your fellowship.
it is that much more important then the fellowship of the saints for those who love its false fruits.
But Gods way is one of real provision but it rests on faith.
Leaders would have to put there faith in God that God would support what God would put in peoples hearts to support.
Giving by the way, does not stop at 10% but as long as you convince people to subject themselves to the law of the tithe you put them under a curse if they fail at any point. No one will see blessing in the work of Giving and the true needs of your fellowship will continue to be unmet.
But judge for yourselves.