God said, "I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed." Is that for you, Blik? No; it was specifically for Abram. It wasn't for Moses, it wasn't for David, and it wasn't for Paul. Does that mean you shouldn't read it? No, but it does mean that it does not apply to you. It's the same with the Law; you can and should read it, but it was not given to you, and it does not apply to you.
However, He did not give them the Law, because He had a different strategy to bring them back, which would come about through the fulfillment of the Law, rather than through their obedience to it.
However, He did not give them the Law, because He had a different strategy to bring them back, which would come about through the fulfillment of the Law, rather than through their obedience to it.
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