Revelation 19:11-21 shows Christ on a white horse in heaven followed by His Bride, His armies, coming to earth.
To tread the winepress of God, Armageddon, where Antichrist's armies and the other nations' armies are gathered,
and destroyed. Christ (and the church) doesn't stay in heaven, they come to earth! What kind of Revelation book
do you own? The beast was seized, and with him the false prophet....this seizing takes place............on earth. Not in
heaven. The rest were killed with the sword which proceeds out of the mouth of Him who sits on the horse. The Lord
Jesus isn't on the throne of God in heaven. He's in transit! On the horse. Comes to earth. Every chapter, Rv 17; Zech 14;
on His Parousia show the same thing. Dear Popeye.
The Gospel of John mentions the Lord's (secret) ascension, but doesn't record His public ascension, precisely for this reason.
Its emphasis is on the inner life. The indwelling of Christ, as the Spirit, in His believers, His children, as His Father's House,
the Body of Christ. The "mansions" Popeye. And me. And all His believers. We're the many abodes. The many dwelling places. This is proven by John 14:23 which uses the same word "abode(s)" from 14:2. "If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word, and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make an abode with him." The immediate, nearer, context of John 14:2 is John 14. That's the very same conversation! You should look at that first before misinterpreting or directly jumping to elsewhere in Scripture to support your interpretation.
The Lord ascended so that we might learn to live by Him in the most intimate way first----internally. Him living, quietly, softly, inside of us. In our deepest part. And one with us. And we one with Him. When He has that, at least among a remnant of His Body, then He will begin His Parousia. His physical return. Which------------------the big difference between His first coming
and His second--------is that the 2nd time, He comes not alone. But with His Bride. His Body. Rv 17:14; 19:14.
(Once He is on earth, yes, He'll drink wine anew with His disciples