This is what happens when you don't follow the Daniel 2 template. In Daniel 2, the fourth kingdom is divided into the feet/ten toes.
the rock that was cut out but not by human hands is jesus the messiah who spiritaully defeated satan and his beasts, the beast at that time was roman empire not roman church.
In Daniel 7, the fourth beast is divided into ten horns - the teaching principle of "repetition and enlargement" used by any good teacher is here used by God as He enlarges Daniel 2 with mention of the Little Horn. The Ten Horns are the barbarian divisions of Rome, and the Little Horn is the Papacy which arose among them.
Romam empire was divided into eastern and western Roman empires. the western Roman empire was divided into 10 but this 10 does not include the eastern Roman empire which continued on. wrong interpretation of 10 horns.
You then fail to even offer a rationale for the 3 uprooted horns.
Horns are not "plebs" or "triumvirate"...they are "kingdoms" led by a monarch and refer to the barbarian nations which sacked Rome.
Nope, the 1st Beast reigns for 42 months, same as the Little Horn's reign of a "time, times, and half a time" which compared with Revelation 12 is "1,260 days" - all referring to the 1,260 reign of the Papacy, from 538 to 1798.
Papacy still rules. your numbers dont work.
Of course the U.S. is the Second Beast, because at the time the 1st Beast was going down, the 2nd was rising from obscurity to superpower status.
of course, we should move to iran, china, north korea, Afghanistan where we would have more religious freedoms, you lose everyone here!
Did you read the prophecy? It says the 2nd Beast would start out having two horns like a lamb (a "Lamb-like"
like a lamb means that it mimics being like the christ, like the lamb of god, but is not. it is a false christianity that speaks lies. the two horns are the east-west schism of Catholicism
Christian nation with two crown-less horn signifying a nation with no king and a church with no pope)....but sadly it ends up speaking "as a dragon". Does that describe the U.S.? John Wesley in his 1773 commentary on Revelation 13 thought so...he said the time of the 1st Beast is almost up and we now look for the soon rise of the 2nd Beast. Google it.
The false prophet is APOSTATE PROTESTANTISM where every stripe and type of error including Jesuit Futurism is preached from pulpits worldwide. Jezebel had her willing false prophets and the Papal Jezebel has hers, as well. The non-Catholic Christian world is falling all over itself to get back to Rome.
no this is the beginnings of fulfillment of the prostitute of babylon where they dress in purple scarlet and gold and support homosexuality or cover for pedophilia or condone polygamy...
Need I remind you the Second Beast is going to speak as a dragon? The U.S. is going to make an image to the 1st Beast. What is the 1st Beast? "UNION OF CHURCH AND STATE". Make no mistake, the day is coming when the world will be told who, what, WHEN, where, and how to worship in the United States. We already have "Sunday Blue Laws" on the books here, just not being enforced. My message is to call people out of Babylon, not push them further into it. Your message is no different than that of the Jesuits, because it diverts the attention of those looking for Antichrist Beast away from the Papacy, who said "look to the past (Preterism), or to the future (Futurism), just don't look at us!"
You do no different than Miller. Miller began with historicist view but then twisted it to his own version of making futuristic predictions. You turn your erroneous interpretations into the making of bogus future predictions.