Have you read Hebrews 6:4-6?
“For it is IMPOSSIBLE, for those who were once ENLIGHTENED, and have TASTED THE HEAVENLY GIFT, and have become PARTAKERS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT and have TASTED THE GOOD WORD OF GOD , and the powers of the age to come, if THEY FALL AWAY, to renew them again to repentance, since they crucify again for themselves the Son of God and put Him to an open shame.”
1) these are Christian’s who the Holy Spirit, who is writing this, proves by saying these People have been enlightened ( by the word of God); they have tasted the heavenly gift of salvation and the good word of God—they know some things about the Bible; AND they have been Partakers of God’s Holy Spirit. Now, are you going to try to tell us these people were never saved? We have DIVINE TESTIMONY that they were as saved as any Christian ever has been.
BUT—2) they FELL AWAY. What?? I thought a saved person could not do that! They aren’t suppose to be able to do that, because God never lost anybody, and once God gets you you can’t EVER get away even if you deny him, reject Him, and I guess spit in His face! No way you are going to get away from Him even if you want to.
3) some people, who FALL AWAY, never repent. They NEVER come back, …….but it’s ok, because I know a doctrine that says they are going to be saved ANYWAy! In fact, according to THAT doctrine, people can crucify Jesus all over again and spit on Him, place a crown of thorns on Him and mock him, publicly
shame Him, all over again and they will still go to heaven and be rewarded just like the faithful Christians who have sacrificed for Him, loved Him, and dedicated their lives to Him. God makes no difference between the two—giving each of them the same reward—heaven. God is JUST isn’t He? That is God’s justice?
I hope you can see I am trying to demonstrate how evil this false doctrine is. It is a slap in Jesus’s face to say Christians can sin, live an ungodly life, reject Christ and still be saved. God does not teach any such thing!! God says a Saved person CAN fall away and when they do, they are putting Christ through the shame and suffering that he went through on the cross ALL OVER AGAIN! It’s NOT ok. God is JUST. He is FAIR. It would never be considered “fair” if God gave the same reward to people rebelling against Him as He does to the Ones who LOVE Him and live faithful lives. How is that FAIR? How is that RIGHT?
Please come out of this doctrine of Satan. He is the one luring you into a sense of “false security”. And how like the devil to tell you just what you want to hear—“you can sin and be saved anyway!” You can have your cake and eat it, too. Beware of a doctrine that doesn’t cost you anything!! That is not the doctrine of Christ.
2 John 8-9-“Whoever transgresses and does NOT abide in the doctrine of Christ does NOT have God. ……If someone comes to you and does not bring THIS DOCTRINE ( the doctrine of Christ), do not greet him, nor invite him into your house, for he who greets him SHARES IN HIS EVIL DEEDS.”
“For it is IMPOSSIBLE, for those who were once ENLIGHTENED, and have TASTED THE HEAVENLY GIFT, and have become PARTAKERS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT and have TASTED THE GOOD WORD OF GOD , and the powers of the age to come, if THEY FALL AWAY, to renew them again to repentance, since they crucify again for themselves the Son of God and put Him to an open shame.”
1) these are Christian’s who the Holy Spirit, who is writing this, proves by saying these People have been enlightened ( by the word of God); they have tasted the heavenly gift of salvation and the good word of God—they know some things about the Bible; AND they have been Partakers of God’s Holy Spirit. Now, are you going to try to tell us these people were never saved? We have DIVINE TESTIMONY that they were as saved as any Christian ever has been.
BUT—2) they FELL AWAY. What?? I thought a saved person could not do that! They aren’t suppose to be able to do that, because God never lost anybody, and once God gets you you can’t EVER get away even if you deny him, reject Him, and I guess spit in His face! No way you are going to get away from Him even if you want to.
3) some people, who FALL AWAY, never repent. They NEVER come back, …….but it’s ok, because I know a doctrine that says they are going to be saved ANYWAy! In fact, according to THAT doctrine, people can crucify Jesus all over again and spit on Him, place a crown of thorns on Him and mock him, publicly
shame Him, all over again and they will still go to heaven and be rewarded just like the faithful Christians who have sacrificed for Him, loved Him, and dedicated their lives to Him. God makes no difference between the two—giving each of them the same reward—heaven. God is JUST isn’t He? That is God’s justice?
I hope you can see I am trying to demonstrate how evil this false doctrine is. It is a slap in Jesus’s face to say Christians can sin, live an ungodly life, reject Christ and still be saved. God does not teach any such thing!! God says a Saved person CAN fall away and when they do, they are putting Christ through the shame and suffering that he went through on the cross ALL OVER AGAIN! It’s NOT ok. God is JUST. He is FAIR. It would never be considered “fair” if God gave the same reward to people rebelling against Him as He does to the Ones who LOVE Him and live faithful lives. How is that FAIR? How is that RIGHT?
Please come out of this doctrine of Satan. He is the one luring you into a sense of “false security”. And how like the devil to tell you just what you want to hear—“you can sin and be saved anyway!” You can have your cake and eat it, too. Beware of a doctrine that doesn’t cost you anything!! That is not the doctrine of Christ.
2 John 8-9-“Whoever transgresses and does NOT abide in the doctrine of Christ does NOT have God. ……If someone comes to you and does not bring THIS DOCTRINE ( the doctrine of Christ), do not greet him, nor invite him into your house, for he who greets him SHARES IN HIS EVIL DEEDS.”
4 For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted the heavenly gift, and have become partakers of the Holy Spirit, 5 and have tasted the good word of God and the powers of the age to come, 6 if they fall away, to renew them again to repentance, since they crucify again for themselves the Son of God, and put Him to an open shame.
Certainly there are many warnings about partaking of sin once one is born again.
This section talks about how it is impossible to be born again after being born again. It is impossible to renew such a person in the manner in which they were brought into salvation. Now that they are a child of God they will face correction, punishment, or even excommunication with the intent to produce godly sorrow so that they might confess their sins and turn from their ways.
Furthermore, no man may crucify the Lord for themselves. It is impossible. And no man may bring shame upon the Lord. That is also impossible. The believer caught in sin, if he repents, is not AGAIN born of the spirit. But, because he is of the House of God, the son will face the correction that God brings him; first through his own conscience, then through the saints, and lastly through His own hand. It is always best to heed the word of correction spoken by the Spirit to the spirit of man, and then by the elders, than to have the Lord intervene directly.
And lastly, about salvation: there is more than just "salvation to go to heaven when you die". The evangelicals made the church addicted to this version of salvation. There is also "salvation from the wickedness of the world". This is a simple matter: if you get caught up in sin after you have been born again you are no longer saved from the wickedness of the world.
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