I get really annoyed at Christians who tell singles, even thinking about sex is a sin, YET, they have no problem with people getting married 2,3,4,5 times. Divorce and remarriage seems to be acceptable, but a single person even thinking about sex is a sin. Which is worse?
sin is sin
“For whosoever shall
keep the whole law, and yet
offend in one point, he is guilty of all.”
James 2:10 KJV
if I do everything just right and then
if I lie I’m a sinner same as others I’ve broken the law of sin and death and now am condemned by it as a sinner bound to death if I’m cheat I’m a sinner same as others , if I covent I’m a sinner same as others , if I steal I’m a sinner same as others
the reason people do what your talking about is hypocracy
if I’m a thief I tend to look upon theft as not that bad but those dag nabbed adulterers they are really in deep trouble
It’s easier for me to look at someone else’s sin and pretend that m a judge and not one of them sinners
, than it is to hear Gods word and start acknolwedging our own sins a plenty and correcting our own behaviors that aren’t acceptable to God
airs always easy to see others flaws and it’s always easy to look right over our own
frankly brother Christian’s need to stop judging one another on any matter not only the hypocritical area your pointing out there
We need to be working out our own issues , we need to have that microscope out on our own lives examining and ways and even words asking if they line up with what we are preaching at other people
There’s a moment when jesusnis standing with a group of sinners many sinners have dragged one sinner out on the dirt and asks Jesus if they should follow Moses law and stone her to death
At this point the lord looks upon them and turns thier wyes of judgement for sinners directly upon thier own selves and as they all hear what he’s saying they turn being convicted of their own consciences knowing they also has sinned and broken the law so they all go away from thier hypocracy because Jesus in essence said “ look at your own self and your own sins “
that’s what all Christian’s really
Need to consider that hypergrace false doctrine is ruining Christian minds to where no one is willing to even confront thier own sinful natures and overcome through repentance and remission of sins