We were posting at the same time

And I do understand your position, I just disagree with where you end up, though I don't think that theologically we're as far apart as you think we are.
You wrote, "Those that are blind to the fact that we are both sinful and forgiven simultaneously are those same ones who have difficulty seeing that we both are forgiven and need to confess our ongoing sins as the Holy Spirit convicts us of them."
If you really believe what you wrote above, why do you assert that a
believer must, in the context of 1 John 1:9, confess their sins to be cleansed of all unrighteousness, if indeed they are simultaneously sinful AND forgiven?
If a believer is already forgiven, why do you say they must confess and ask for forgiveness you say they already have?
If that's your position, then what you're really saying is that believers are both forgiven and UNforgiven simultaneously, not that they are sinful and forgiven simultaneously. And that cannot be, Scripturally. See my above post for why that presents big problems according to the Scriptures.
You also wrote, "The concept of 'BOTH' seems to be a hard concept to grasp and many twist their pet doctrine one direction.
"Jesus is BOTH fully God, fully man.
"We are BOTH risen, seated in the heavenlies yet have our being planted here on terra firma.
"God's Sovereignty includes BOTH God's will and man's choice.
Agreed, and Scripture supports those concepts. But you depart from what Scripture clearly teaches here:
"We are BOTH forgiven and need of forgiveness."
Scripture does not support that notion in any way. Without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness, so if the shedding of Christ's Blood at the Cross didn't provide complete forgiveness, and Scripture tells us that it did, for "He is able to save completely" (from Heb. 7:25), there IS NO MORE forgiveness available - EVER - because there is no more sacrifice for sin (Heb. 10:26).
Please take a few minutes to read through what I wrote above.
Ask yourself the questions about what Scripture has to say about the forgiveness of sins - how it was achieved and if - according to Scripture - it is possible to be both forgiven and unforgiven at the same time.