Some find counting prayer beads a wonderful help. Others find facing Jerusalem a help. And others find facing statue or having candles and incense a great help. The question is whether in the end God recognizes the practice as something He approves of.
Except counting beads is a help thought up by men and a prayer shawl has been thought up by God, big difference.
I have and use a blessed prayer shawl. Here is an experience I had with it. A neighbor was bipolar so her episodes were so severe suicide seemed to her the only escape. She came to me in extreme pain. I told her of my shawl and told her she could use it but she must promise not to think of it as if it was magic, it was to be used as closing off the world and being alone with God. She promised. With prayer, I put it around her.
Her face immediately change, she looked me with wonder and said "that is powerful". She went home with that bipolar episode over.
It is so true that listening to the suggestions of our God is powerful.
We take the meaning of the new covenant so literally that it amounts to being Ghostic, with only the "spiritual" having meaning. It isn't that we don't cut foreskin to announce our being God's child, but we deny everything physical. God tells us to listen to the Holy Spirit to guide us, not to deny God is in our physical life.