What a strange idea! That Jesus would go from being male to female!
Before I was a Christian, I was a very strong feminist. But more first generation, in that I believed in equal rights for women, equal pay for equal work, that sort of thing.
I never bought into equity or woke culture, because it didn't exist, thank goodness! I kept my 1st Gen feminist beliefs, but acknowledged that Jesus was masculine, and he will certainly return in the same glorified body, as he ascended to heaven in. I also believe a woman can be a pastor, based in my studies of the Bible, including studies in the original languages. Although many disagree with me!
But lately, I've gone back to being a feminist again, in the sense of standing up for women against the woke, corrupt culture, especially transgenderism, and how it intersects with Christianity & basic Bible principles. I've been in a lot of furious debates against trans men, usurping women's spaces, and rights.
This includes men in women's sports, beauty pageants, & women's private spaces. Any man who thinks he can enter women's contests, esp with full male genitalia, I will stand against. Young women, who have trained their whole life in a specific sport, for example, should not be losing to bigger, stronger men in women's clothing. Worse, is contact sports, where women are literally killed for fighting a man in certain sports. Or permanently hurt.
Men can wear makeup & dresses if they want, but it will never make them a woman. A few months back, I saw a clip from a Miss World beauty contest. The winner was a trans man. A man dressed up like a woman. But, like most men dressed up as a woman, he was incredibly ugly. Men don't have the same facial features as women. Their body types, even with hormone treatments, are different than women, including their Adam's apple, that dead Giveaway.
As for men in women's private spaces, just NO! NEVER! It damages privacy when a woman is forced in a change room, to see an undressed male. It is damaging to young girls, too! As for men in women's prisons, the tide is turning about stopping these men from going into women's prisons, where they attack & rape real women. I just read in one US prison. 10 men are going to be put in men's prisons where they belong!
So why this speech about transgendered men!? Because your question implies a man, Jesus, can become a trans person, a woman.
I think that Blain also mentioned this, too! Men & women are not the same. Even their thought patterns are different. For Jesus to turn into a woman, can't happen! There are no transgenders in the Kingdom of God & to imply Jesus will be a woman, really is blasphemous! God does have feminine qualities, but it means God embraces all aspects of both genders. But Jesus? He is a man, complete with nails in his hands & feet, and side!
Would you take away Jesus disfigurement he suffered on the cross, which is proof of his death & resurrection. My suggestion is you need to know and I stand the Bible better. Read it from Genesis to Revelation yearly. If you read 3 chapters of the OT, and one of the NT, daily, you will get through the Bible in a year. I've done that for 43 years. Besides Bible study, memorizing passages, and always praying.
I'm not saying whether you are a Christian or not. But if you do believe in Jesus as Lord & Saviour, then read his love letter to us. Don't rationalize that we can know God besides just words in a book! The Bible reveals Jesus. Without a solid foundation in the Word of God, you will be led astray!