What I find funny is this. We men like to boast that we are the authority and in a perfect environment the man should be. But, it is well known that in most modern day families that the women tries to wear the so called "pants". I will attest, that a family where the women is dominant are most likely to be dysfunctional and, now a day and times, usually ends in divorce and the children suffer. Because of the wife's refusal to submit to their husband.
Anyway, most men who think that they are in charge, will bend to the wife when it comes to sleeping on the couch, if you get my drift. Because when Mamma's not happy, then nobody is happy. Young folk, chose your wife carefully. Because, behind every great leader was a great wife.
God normally calls a man to be a pastor, But has always called women for evangelistic ministry, missionary, and so on. However, if there is not a man willing to step up and lead, God will use a women.
God uses what He has tork with. The first person saved on European soil was a women and her house became a church. The book of 2nd John was written to a lady that pastored a church in her house. You cannot and shall not box God in. He is God and does whatsoever pleases Him and not me or you.