The purpose of church is holiness. If women being in charge is associated with unholy churches, then that in itself is a reason not to put women in charge. Look, no one is saying that male-led churches are perfect. Many are totally heretical. However you won't find a holy church led by a woman. I'm just trying to show you that the Bible is not just theory. What it commands is born out in practice. Every denomination in the UK in which women priests are engaged admits and tolerates homosexuals without exception. If that isn't appalling, I don't know what is.
And, I'm trying to tell you that a woman who becomes a pastor after having followed the CALL of God IS leading a holy church that is producing fruit and doing things as He intended for her to do in leading His sheep.
I know, I agree, that a woman should not be FIRST choice for being in charge of anything, including church, and, she is not in charge of a marriage, the man isn't either, Christ is, but, the man (husband=man) IS to be submitted to by the woman (woman=wife) 'in everything' as Scripture states.
But, she sure is SECOND in charge, for there is NO other gender out there, that I know of, anyway

Male, female, created in His likeness, in His image.
THROUGH man, sin entered the world, too, NOT women; she merely was deceived, that was her 'sin' or 'transgression' as Scripture puts it, in 1 Tim. 2:14.
But, in context, 1 Timothy 2:11-15 is speaking of a husband to a wife, this is the man and the woman spoken of, and, I agree with the biblical understanding of marriage hierarchy. Christ is head of man and man is head of woman.
But, when God calls a 'woman' to become a 'pastor' then this is NO longer speaking of a husband and wife relationship.