The post didn't generalize, it simply touched upon the very distinct psychological differences between men and women. For example in multiple studies men have been found to be consistently more conservative than women (and as a result more likely to be content with what they have). So it is not far-fetched to believe that had Satan tempted Adam instead of Eve that Adam would have rejected Satan rather than risk upsetting what he already had.
I've heard openly gay preachers that preached powerfully as well, but that does not make them licit. God can work through whatever person happens to be available, even if that person is not right for the job and shouldn't be in such a position in the first place.
The question of women being ordained belongs firmly in the realm of theology and ecclesiology; so personal "burning in the bosom" feelings as Mormons call it are to be left at the door.
Anyway, yes, your insight is interesting but to put woman in a lower esteem place than man is not right. Yes, man is over woman but man is to FEAR GOD scripture says in being over woman, so, that said, you can be sure a Christ-led man will treat that woman like Joseph did Mary, with fear, reverence, awe, understanding, and, Love her like God would want her Loved.
Don't get me wrong either, there is definite principle in man over woman, scripture is clear of the order of authority, God->man->woman. But to say that women cannot preach because they can be deceived by Satan more, because of Satan deceiving Eve in garden is blindly preaching, and, as feed3m says in his signature, be careful of teaching others things, because WE will be judged more discriminately by God
I've heard openly gay preachers that preached powerfully as well, but that does not make them licit. God can work through whatever person happens to be available, even if that person is not right for the job and shouldn't be in such a position in the first place.
The question of women being ordained belongs firmly in the realm of theology and ecclesiology; so personal "burning in the bosom" feelings as Mormons call it are to be left at the door.
Anyway, yes, your insight is interesting but to put woman in a lower esteem place than man is not right. Yes, man is over woman but man is to FEAR GOD scripture says in being over woman, so, that said, you can be sure a Christ-led man will treat that woman like Joseph did Mary, with fear, reverence, awe, understanding, and, Love her like God would want her Loved.
Don't get me wrong either, there is definite principle in man over woman, scripture is clear of the order of authority, God->man->woman. But to say that women cannot preach because they can be deceived by Satan more, because of Satan deceiving Eve in garden is blindly preaching, and, as feed3m says in his signature, be careful of teaching others things, because WE will be judged more discriminately by God
yes, jimdig generalizes when he picks out one lady pastor like Joyce Meyers, and, picks on her, sansub. Don't be naive. And, you continue the naivety by thinking that because of studies done on men and women and men more conservative that ALL men would choose status quo when presented with option to make our,life better IF we do a certain something, like poor ole, transgressing Eve, having been deceived by Satan that 'the grass would be greener on the other side.'
Sansub, have you heard of John Eldredge, he wrote a book, Wild At Heart, it is about men being highly desirous of things, I believe they are 1. woman to pursue 2. work/ambitions to go after. 3. Something of, ok, I can't remember.
I get tired of disrespect too, and, I could care less what you call me, but if you lift a post of mine for discussion and say something about it, you're just a kid, sansub, but, please, address me by a name, 'green,a. Etc., thx.
And, as I was saying, men are wild at heart and the word 'conservative' is not to describe beastly us, lol, so, as you said those studies said we would choose not to advance when we could advance our position is bringing you right, full circle to naivety. We men want to go.after someone, and, when we can GAIN by doing something, it is NOT in our male nature to decide against opportunity to improve our lot in life.
God bless, Christ bro, hopefully, prayerfully, this is understood, and, I agree, as a majority rule, per scripture of Paul's teachings, women are to typically not preach to men, but we serve a marvelous God, who occassionally has wonderfully equipped women who answered the call when God put them into a stature position of preaching and Joyce Meyers, Paula White, Elizabeth Elliott are three already been named who followed the Spirit after having been well into the Word.
Abraham was asked to kill His son, Isaac, but nowhere in scripture will it show God saying this kind of sacrifice is needed done; women are not meant typically to become pastors but atypically they surely ARE MEANT TO BECOME PASTORS, even over men, as God KNOWS His purposes far beyond man's mortal mind. This was an express exception to the rule, God needed Abraham to show great faith to prove worthy to God all that God after would bestow , including Abe becoming the father of many nations and whose lineage from come the 12 tribes of Israel that spread out to the world discovering places throughout history.