No, that is not circular reasoning. Circular reason is if the only reason to believe a premise is if you already believe the conclusion. The way to save someone from living in sin is by leading them to refrain from living in sin. That's not circular, but rather that is what it means for God to save someone from living in sin. Likewise, if you prevent someone from jumping off a cliff, then you have saved them from doing that. God leading us to honoring our parents is the way that He saves us from not honoring our parents.
The way to save someone from living in sin is to introduce them to Jesus Christ. By believing in Him, they are made righteous in His sight, and the indwelling Holy Spirit changes them from the inside out so that the motivation to sin is reduced and eventually removed.
Your version appears to be, "You get saved from sin by ceasing sinful actions". Good luck with that. It has never worked for anyone else, so I can't fathom why you think you can manage it.
More smoke to obfuscate your intent to be disruptive to this thread and your refusal to address the OP.
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