Are you in Christ? Did Christ sin? No, then you are sinless. You are righteous because he is righteous. Any other way depends upon man's righteousness. If that is true, man is doomed.
1. Answer what was shown to you. Address it. Sin is by definition an act your spirit does. The body demands the spirit do it, contrary to what the spirit wants, and so it is "slavery". When your spirit leaves your body, will your body be able to animate itself and carry out its desires? No! It needs your spirit. There fore the sin is done by the spirit.
Also, James says "all that defiles body and spirit".
2. Revelation 2 and 3, where the Churches' sins are addressed, debunk the idea that God doesn't see our sin.
3. The answer is : when you sin, you're not abiding in Christ. There is no condemnation for those in Christ, but there is condemnation for the Christian who doesn't walk by faith (Ro 14:23), so what happened? 1 Jn 2:28 explains it: "little children remain in Him so that when he appears you will not draw back in shame". So, the answer is they're not remaining in Christ when they're sinning.
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