She had faith but by stepping out and seeking and believing that she would be healed goes had in hand. Jesus knew her heart and motive
Your Statement here is a bit wrong -------
She had faith but by stepping out---------
I say ----She stepped out because her inward Faith Moved her to step out ------Faith proceeded her action ----she is showing her faith by stepping out -------
Peter stepped out of the boat and on to the water because he was moved to by his inner Faith that gave him the assurance and confidence that he would be OK when he stepped out of the boat ------his faith did failed after a few steps because the wind brought in doubt and fear and this is wavering faith ----which Jesus warns about ------your faith to stand up in the storm has to be grounded and rooted in Christ so your Faith stays strong and you don't waver in your faith -----
Faith requires the positive response --- action ---
Faith grounded and rooted in Christ ---won't fail
Wavering Faith that is not Grounded and rooted in Christ ----during the storm will fail
From Strong's Concordance
Read all about Faith here -----
Strong's Concordance
pistis: faith, faithfulness
"Faith is the divine response, wrought in man, by God"
"Faith always pre-supposes revelation" . "Faith is always a response to a divine revelation" "Faith . . . both in its initiation and every step of the way, is Spirit given . . . faith is God given" . "Faith precedes works, and is not something merely deduced by
with faith, there is no strain or tension; rather, it has the element of assurance and confidence in it . . .
if there is strain or tension . . . trying to persuade yourself to keep from doubting, you can be quite sure that it is not faith . . . faith is not the law of mathematical probability, . . . faith is not natural . . .faith is spiritual, the gift of God