and here we have another ridiculous Paul vs. Jesus thread.
Jamie, you do understand that Paul was Jesus's hand picked guy to carry the Gospel to the gentiles, who were not under that Law, most had never read the Torah. so, the notion that Paul " disagreed " with the Lord.
What's so rediculous about it?
It seems pretty strange to me that some are Always quoting Paul when we have GOD Himself who walked this earth and spoke and taught.
Paul was handpicked. That's nice.
But Jesus is Jesus. HE is the annointed one, HE is God's last prophet, HE is the WORD, not the word.
So, yes, it seems to me that many DO NOT understand the teachings of Paul.
Paul did not teach only spiritual truths. He also taught actual concrete teaching just like Jesus did.
But there's IS a difference...
Jesus, being God, made NO MISTAKES when He spoke. He spoke clearly so that all could understand.
Paul, OTOH, made comments that were not mistakes unto themselves, but which we TODAY cannot properly understand and he, not knowing the confusion they would cause, went ahead and made them.
Example: Being sealed in the Spirit.
When or Where did Jesus EVER say this?
A poster here said that Jesus could not say everything because it would not be understood until the Holy Spirit came.
This is not true.
EVERYTHING Jesus wanted to say He said and He said it well. Everything Jesus taught He taught properly and completely.
The above statement is akin to saying that Jesus could not make Himself be understood because the Holy Spirit did not appear yet.
The Holy Spirit came to give power.
Acts 1:8
And to be a WITNESS to what Jesus had already done.
In the Great Commission,
Mathew 28:19
The Holy Spirit had not appeared yet, and yet JESUS said to His Apostles
"Go therefore and make DISCIPLES of all nations........"
"Teaching them to observe ALL THAT I COMMANDED you....."
Did Jesus not know that He wanted to make disciples of all the nations???
Did Jesus not know that He wanted all that he had COMMANDED to be OBSERVED???
When HE left, He sent the Holy Spirit to EMPOWER the Apostles and to remind them all that Jesus had taught.
John 14:26
But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you.
Jesus wanted the Holy Spirit to remind us of all HE had taught.
And that is what we are to pay attention to.