My best friend married a man like this after dating him for about three years. When their relationship began, she was a happy, carefree, lovely girl who could put a smile on anybody's face in a matter of moments. By the time they got engaged, she was stressed out, complained ALL the time, broke down in tears of the tiniest things, and was completely paranoid about anything that might upset him. He controlled her just as this guy seems to be controlling you. Her parents also didn't approve of union and her dad nearly knocked him out after one very intense encounter. But nevertheless, they got married.
One year into it, he'd bought them a house and they'd lived in for about four months before he decided he didn't want to work anymore. He blamed it on a minor injury he'd sustained some years back (which, every time he went to the doctor the doctor couldn't find anything wrong with him. And he couldn't work, but he could go hike with his buddies or do things like that, so she was pretty sure he was faking it) so he just stopped showing up. He was home all day. She was also footing all the bills, and then he purchased a brand new car without her knowledge, so they were swimming in debt. Even though she was making all the money, he had complete control of it.
The worst thing he ever did, though? He withheld any intimacy from her. He'd push her away if her breath wasn't perfect, he'd tell her she was gaining weight and he didn't find her attractive anymore. He'd never hug her or hold hands in public, even though she'd ask him to. Then, when he wanted to have sex with her, she was so starved for affection from him that she'd almost always give in. Even if he refused to use protection. At one point, she finally put her foot down to this treatment and he forced her.
She got pregnant and when she finally told me about all of this sexual abuse that was going on, I did everything in my power to get her some help. I told everybody close to her who'd listen to me that she wasn't safe with this guy. I let her parents know, I tried to get her to speak up for herself, but she was so confused about all of it, she would defend his actions.
He wouldn't let her go to the doctor to get proper care for the baby. He said she wasn't pregnant even though this had been her third month of a missed period and there were other obvious symptoms. So one day while he was out, I took her straight to a clinic. Sure enough, she was pregnant. She called to let him know and his response? He was furious with her for calling him at work. I held her hand during this time and tried to make sure she could speak with the people at the women's clinic about her fears and feelings about all this. They gave her good advice.
We had arranged for a proper appointment for her with a doctor the next week. She told her mom about the situation and her mom urged her to come back home and live there instead. She refused and went back to her husband... three days later I got a phone call from my friend. She was at the hospital. She had lost the baby. I came to see her right away, but her husband was right there standing over her shoulder. She wouldn't look me in the eye and he wouldn't take his hand off of her. Even in the exams, he demanded to go with her and watch everything that happened...
This was last May. I can't make accusations about exactly what happened and she still hasn't told me. She also doesn't tell me why there are thumb-sized bruises are on her arms sometimes. She doesn't tell me why she stays, either. She doesn't tell me what goes on in her house. She doesn't tell me a lot of things anymore. I get the sense that she doesn't tell them to anybody. She just lives this life and says nothing.
I know you may think your guy is different. And sure, he might be. But the way he's treating you now is only going to get worse when you get married. That's not an assumption, call it a fact. Get out. Do what I hope my best friend will do someday and just leave. If not for the sake of yourself, then for the child you have who doesn't need to grow up watching this play out (or worse).