I'm going to reply with first-hand experience as a domestic abuse survivor, because when I was with my ex Carl, he was physically abusive to me. He got mad if I talked to my guy friends. He would say I was probably having sex with them. One of my friends, who also was an ex-bf, was in jail and I would write to him alot. Carl even got mad about that. We fought all the time. It got so out of hand that the only way he would back down and leave me alone, is if I threatened to flush my engagement ring down the toilet. He would actually start crying and beg me not to. Our fights turned physical and he would grab my private parts to inflict pain. One day he flipped out and brought a huge tree branch into the house, and tried to beat me with it. I kicked him out one night, and he cut my screen to get back in so I called the cops. Because of our noisy fights, I received an eviction notice, and when I told Carl I had to move, and that he had to leave, he didn't like that at all. He grabbed me by the throat and choked me. I couldnt breathe or scream, so I grabbed his private part and squeezed, to make him let go..He did, then he left. That's the last time I've spoken to him. He has a history of violence towards women.
I'm one of the lucky ones. It's only by God's grace that I survived being choked. You might not want to hear our advice to leave this guy, but the plain truth is, if you don't, you AND/OR your child will be leaving him in a body bag.. Get out now..