Well, yes actually they are deisgned differently and made with different ingredents, depending on where in the world you live.
I have seen the Randy Alcorn teaching, and I never said I didn't agree with biblical teachings. You are simply assuming that, and it's not true. I do however, think he has taken many of them out of context to justify his legalistic standpoint on the matter. It's like throwing a guilt-trip on people, forcing them to believe what he has personal convictions with. I don't buy into teaching like that. I search things out for myself!
My point about doctors, was more that Christian Doctors are MORE LIKELY to be influenced by moral standpoints, more so than non-christian Doctors. If you go back and actually read my post, you will see I said 'I have no problem with christian doctors'. I simply like to go to a physician who isn't afraid to arm me with ALL the facts, and not leave out information, because they personally have moral conviction/issue about it.
I also know my own present situation and my limitations. I know right now (after 5 years of marriage) as much as I'd like to have children one day, I'm not ready for them yet, nor am I in a position to provide for them all that they would need. I believe that makes me responsible. I am waiting until I am better equipped financially, emotionally, spiritually etc before I choose to make a decision that will alter THE REST OF MY LIFE!
Children aren't like toys. You can't just put them up on a shelf when you're done playing with them, or because you're frustrated. They are a lifelong commitment, and ultimately YOU AS A PARENT, are responsible for how they turn out. That's a big call. Sure, they might be cute, and people go all ga ga over them, but the reality is, they are a massive commitment and responsibility,that you will have for the REST OF YOUR LIFE. So, sorry if I take this seriously, I don't think it's a decision to be made lightly.
I think there are many factors that need to be in place within your marriage relationship, before couples should even consider having children. As I mentioned earlier sex was not designed soley for reproduction purposes, it has a far more intimate design behind it.
So believe what you want, but don't profess to have knowledge that clearly surpasses you. Please don't come here telling people that their choices on this matter are unbiblical, or accusing them of not believing the biblical teaching (as you did with me), because that's not cool.
Let's simply agree to disagree okay?