Well, this video is a prime example of how not to deal with this with any loved one.
There's multiple reasons that so many men are having problems with sexual identity disorder - as it was called.
First we could do a search on "Margaret Sanger - homosexuality".
Secondly we could do a search on "bpa - estrogen".
Then there's the factor of how someone is raised.
Then there's the media and entertainment industry.
Then there the school's sex-ed classes for the last 30 yrs or more.
And Romans 1
But, unless a person is born with both organs - it's a choice but no one should ever call themselves a Christian and do what this woman did in this video. Cussing, attacking and screaming is demonic. That's when emotions have gone over the line into demonic and counterfeit Christianity.
When you truly love someone - whether it be a child or a husband and you've given so much of your life for them - yes indeed - emotions will be there - but when it gets to cussing, screaming and physical violence, than the so-called Christian has entered into the actions of another spirit. From what this video is presenting - this woman was more concerned with the women in her church or something similar and not about her son as much as how he 'disgraced' her and his father. But if she had stayed calm and truly loved her son as she claimed to - I believe that at the age that her son was, they would not be wrong to have him go live on his own and that would be the case if he was commiting adultery with his neighbors wife, or was a thief, or a reckless drunk -- all of those things listed together in 1Corth 6:9,10. Anyone age 18 and over can support themselves. We have to remember what Paul wrote in Chpt 5:2 and what he meant by what he wrote after that.
Once a person hits the age of accountability - which varies which each child - the Word says that even the Gentiles without the law, follow it and some don't - because He has put into every human being a God given conscience.
Rom 2:14-16 For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves: which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another, in the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel.
Why would a merciful God condemn someone that was born that way? I think if we do the research just on what's happened to our society from those that have the power to steer it whichever way they choose and have the resources to do such - we'll see in that search on Margaret Sanger a lot has happened that's been directed at this generation with eugenics, etc..
A person that's been lied to by these so-called 'sciences' don't realize the agenda behind this "science so-called" as Paul called it. There's a no-growth-population reduction plan that's been around longer than I've been on earth and pushing this agenda is a means to their no-growth/population control agenda.
If a person has already had the operation, they do not have to remain the opposite sex than what they were born as.
Some men are born with a bit more estrogen and/or low testosterone, but they normally have larger breasts than most men - but that doesn't mean that they were born with no choice. It's the male or female organ that one is born with that determines the gender of a baby and adult.
This is a potentially volatile topic but we're being asked from a Biblical point of view, what His Word says about it. If someone didn't want to know what the Bible says - they should never come to a Christian forum. Christians will love even an enemy nonetheless and unsaved person of any persuasion - but their duty is to The Word of God and can't compromise what His Word says, just because someone doesn't understand His Word or doesn't want to.
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever is continuously believing in Him, will not perish [be seperated from Him] but will have Eternal life [with Him] - and that means what it says - His Salvation is open to anyone that comes to Him for forgiveness and to be transformed into His image and the image that He created each person to be, individually called.
Romans 2 is not the only place in the New Testament that mentions our God given conscience, but Romans 1 explains what one does with that God given conscience.
If any of us have given God's Word on this thread - we should not feel ashamed of Him Who is The Word of God.
He has made Himself known to "every man/woman" according to His Word - and we are without excuse if we turn against Him and what conscience has told us at some point in our lives. Such as - marrying and having children yet holding onto something against conscience and leaving them which is against conscience. That's what the Word of God does say.
Eph 5:25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it.
Eph 6:4 And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
God says that these laws are a part of every person's God given conscience - but we choose to callous our consciences when we go against that instant when we feel our "conscience bothering us". When we look into the faces of those that love us or that we should love and turn around and walk away or cause them to walk away.
Live a-sexual if you've gone away from God's Word and care about it and He also speaks against a man wearing women's cloths. What can we do - we can't change His Words and still desire to follow Him because we love Him.
Picture Jesus on that cross, if you will. His flesh was torn off of His back down to the bone. His beard was plucked out and he was struck with rods about the head and face so that His face was swollen and bleeding and from the crown of thorns that they also struck with rods and you can picture the rest - if you can.
That was the price He paid for the sins of the world. But the worst of His suffering was 3 hours of taking on Himself the sins of every human being that ever lived or will live until He returns. The perfect lamb of God took every filthy, horrendous act that mankind has ever done from the beginning of time until the end upon Himself and if we can't imagine the agony that the Holy One felt under that darkness, then we haven't even an ounce of imagination of the horror of those hours on that cross.
We, like it or not, will all face Eternity one place or another. God has been very generous with us, in that He took every heinous and hellish crime upon Himself that day so that whosoever will can come to Him for forgiveness - turn their lives over to Him - and He left His Word for us for comfort, direction, help and because it's "Living", it can work the miracles that psychiatry could never work.
We have a choice -- and if it weren't choice, then God could be condemned as being unjust - which we know instinctively, if nothing else - that He is not.
Read the Word as much as one can while we're still alive and there's hope for all.
Pray for one another and for any of His lost Sheep to come home to Him.
And Never be ashamed of His Words.