What if you are married to a man that takes excellent care of you financially and allows you to spend freely without questioning you. Also gives gifts to you for birthdays, holidays, etc. The only downside is this man has problems with being totally transparent. He does things like goes on business trip and brings back gifts for the wife and doesnt mention that he also has purchased a gift for His Secretary. Its a box of cookies and you happen to notice the bag in the briefcase and have to ask what it is befoe he tells you what he has purchased. His response is, well, I didnt want to say anything because I was afraid of your response then on top of that he becomes defensive when the wife express that she is disappointed that he would withhold this type of thing and its not so much the gift that angers her but the principle that he was being dishonest. This couple has had a history of of adulterous affair the husband has had over 15 years ago, and has been trying very hard to trust, but the husband does things that causes the wife to be suspicoius of his behavior. The reason is because eventhough the affair happen many years ago, there has been many other situations pertaining to the opposite sex in regard to He seeming to enjoy the attention of other women. IF they are in a room and theres an attractive women there, he can very easily act distant toward his wife and again when confronted he becomes defensive. He never suggests dates, the wife has to be the initiator unless its something he wants to do. THe wife has to initiate movies, unless its something he wants to see. He shows no interest in things that she likes to watch on television, but she sits with him and watches things with him with no problem. This man also has NO male friends. People think hes wonderful because hes reserved and he is respectful of others and he really seem to have it all together, but behind the smile the quiet demeanor is a man that gets very defensive when confronted about things he doesnt agree with or something that he does not want to deal with. He not only gets defensive but becomes very angry and has broken things, pushed, spit, screamed, called names. This has been going on for 18 years now.. He goes from being an exceptional, wonderful care giver to a monster. He doesnt hit with fists, but pushing, shoving is just as bad. To me, hes a coward. But what do you do. You are dependent upon the person, you really have no where to go and all the blame is on you for his behavior. He intially admits to the abuse and says he will get help, then over the years he began to make excuses. He goes to one or two sessions of counseling and quits. Anger runs in His family.. What would you say to a woman that has this problem.?