I used to have a BD fetish. I had kidnapping and spanking fantasies. I have little to no experience with love, romance and sex, and I've never been married. I wrote some naughty erotic stories and drew pictures of women and men tied up. I fantasized about finding a husband to share my fantasies and role-play with. I also struggled with a lot of guilt and fear. Fear of actual rape, that men would hurt me and destroy me instead of love me the way a Christian husband loves his Christian wife, fears of men breaking my heart, of giving into pre-marital sex, thus sinning, fear of being hurt, abused, by men and love. How terrible it is in this sinful fallen world that love is used to as a weapon to hurt people!
I also struggled majorly with guilt.....I had nightmares about hell, Satan, demons, witches practicing witchcraft and voodoo to torture me. I felt dirty, like a virgin with the mind of a hooker. It was like I was in bondage to bondage. I prayed and asked God to set me free. Finally, Jesus Christ set me free. It was hard and I struggled, but Christ taught me the beauty of freedom.
Jesus set me free from my struggles and guilt. A marriage is a partnership, two people a man and woman united by love, when two souls become one. When Adam first set eyes on Eve, he recognized her as a part of himself:
"This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh." For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and cling unto his wife, and they shall become one flesh.
When they said the man shall rule over the woman, it did indeed become true. There is a long history of male tyranny over women. It is only in the past few hundred years that women have gained rights.
Husbands and wives should love and respect each other. Mature adults don't go around hitting each other. If you assault someone, you could go to jail. A wife is not a child to require corporal punishment. I have been thinking about the spanking of children. Perhaps it is wrong to spank children too, because it hurts the children and teaches them violence, that hitting is ok, that it is ok for a big person to hit someone smaller than them.