First of all let me answer the thread. Absolutely domestic discipline is useful in a Godly marriage. I'm old school in many of my thoughts about marriage & I think that when you do your domestic duties as unto the Lord you truly bless your husband.
OK, thats what I THOUGHT this thread was going to be about, domestic work, helping around the house, stuff like that.
Now to answer the thread content. Firstly stilly, you are absolutely wrong. grabbing someone who is volitile is the wrong way to deal with someone on the emotional edge. Walk AWAY. remove yourself, otherwise it escalates. (kinda like closing a thread

Physical correction... sigh. I've had a few friends who's husbands choose this. I suppose its all about what you would choose to have your wife feel about your home. Is it a safe haven where she is loved or is it a place of fear where who knows when you will be physically repremanded. Those who physically correct ALWAYS escalate. It starts off as one thing but they lose control and the hurts get worse & worse. The friends who I know about who were physically "corrected" well heres the result:
Google Bonnie Moonie, she is a very very dear friend of mine who was isolated & corrected. Started off as gentle correction just a minor slap here and there. Ended with him killing her best friend, shooting her daughters shoulder off and killing himself. sound extreme & unreal? It is extreme & very very real. It turns out he had a past that didnt come to light for bonnie until after the massacre. If you are a person who ever thinks its ok to hit a woman then you seriously need to get help. These things sometimes cycle where the dads justify their abuse to the children & the children continue. Women if you are with someone who hits you in your relationship, I'd recommend that you do some sort of check on them, I dont know whats available but had my friend done a criminal record check on Roland she would have found it included many assults & MANSLAUGHTER!!! She had no clue that this was the man she was dating/living with until after he shot her daughter & killed her best friend, then media dug up his history. The police knew this & failed to protect her by advising her or even enforcing the protection order they had on her.
It takes a strong man to stop that cycle and keep his emotion in check. It takes a very stong & confident man to walk away when his wife is unreasonable. I also witnessed someone very close to me getting beaten into the hospital for a 2 week stay. He begged her to forgive. She did and the very first night he'd drifted off to sleep she cocked a pistol at his head... his eyes opened... I want you all who think that its ok to hit to visualize this... She said to him " do you feel vulnerable right now? " he just nodded She said "this is how vulnerable I am when you beat me after drinking. Dont you ever do this again or I WILL shoot you when you are sleeping". Long story short that was in year 7 after many minor corrections and they went on till natural death do they part almost 40 years. He never again drank scotch. Not that I advocate this method but it sure was effective and served to keep a family together who VERY much needed the love of their father.
You need to consider how you would feel receiving that HIT, you need to consider how you want your wife to feel about you, your home & your life together. Hit her & prepare to be alone or prepare to be assulted but just know women arent taking that garbage anymore. I thank God for my beautiful gentle husband who Loves me even when I least deserve it.