True, but how shall they hear with out a preacher? a Christians Job, is to represent God as a messanger, in fact you can't even call your self a Christian if you don't follow Jesus', Example.
So I ask you this, if you don't show them that God loves them, how are they supposed to know that God loves them?
By being separate to the world - for real Christians are sanctified, set apart from the world (which belongs to Satan).
We preach love by the power of our testimonies to having been called out of the world and converted by the power of the gospel.
We preach the love and sacrifice of Jesus for those who are lost, who are dead, who know not God.
We preach how a person can have a personal relationship with Jesus through the indwelling Holy Spirit - that is Jesus and the Father
dwelling within a person and empowering them to live a new life acceptable to God.
We preach the hope of eternal life.
The day I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and spoke out in tongues I was instantly healed from marijuana and cigarettes,
alcohol and using speed.
I do not need to partake of marijuana again to witness to an addict nor shoot up to have credibility with a person I am witnessing to.
Far from it. My abstinence, my being set free, is the very act of love that I and Jesus desire to share with them.
Jesus did hang out with sinners, but not to be one of them, but rather to preach to them the gospel of salvation.
Ricky's nephew does not need encouragement, nor acceptance, nor endorsement from his "Christian" uncle. Ricky's nephew needs to
understand that not everyone accepts his lifestyle and moral bankruptcy, and as to why.
Jesus came into the world not just to save people from themselves and the enemy, but to make dead people alive.