What cover and basis do you have for the affirmation in bold?
There are stupid people who blame the woman for being raped but I have fate that a considerable amount of people do think that the man is to blame.
I am sorry that you went through sexual abuse. I think women have the right to wear whatever they want without being raped and then blamed for the rape.
I hold Saint Paul in a very high esteem and I doubt that the great man who influenced the western european culture is a man whose message to women was "women, be good little wives now and do as you're told".
Maybe Saint Paul was a fine observer of the woman and knew that she is more unstable than a man (emotionally) and that's why he said that they should let the man "drive".
"Submit to your husband" does not mean "submit in a masoquistic way to the abuses of your husband". It never meant that.
