Let's just say that people who try this only try it once with me before suffering the full force of the INTJ super death glare (which is worse than the neutral face and reduces anyone who suffers it to feeling like they just got caught doing the unthinkable and want to melt away and hide). I'd also ask them point blank to defend their choice and give solid reasons why I should consider the guy they recommend. Or as I try to explain about why I don't get too much unwanted male attention: I give off the I'll kill you, make you look like an idiot in front of everyone, and then knock you into the middle of next week vibe.
Ok truth is I'm really pretty nice and polite when people are the same, but have no problem telling people that my personal life is absolutely none of their business if they start trying to discuss things I don't want to discuss (or just give advice without getting my perspective first). So there are a couple gals that I might talk to about romantic interests and all the rest will only get a response if they ask with general curiosity and along the lines of " you never talk about it, but I'm wondering if you want to get married or if you plan to remain single". Let's just say you know you're a really good friend if you get a complicated and in depth answer to that question.
Ok truth is I'm really pretty nice and polite when people are the same, but have no problem telling people that my personal life is absolutely none of their business if they start trying to discuss things I don't want to discuss (or just give advice without getting my perspective first). So there are a couple gals that I might talk to about romantic interests and all the rest will only get a response if they ask with general curiosity and along the lines of " you never talk about it, but I'm wondering if you want to get married or if you plan to remain single". Let's just say you know you're a really good friend if you get a complicated and in depth answer to that question.