You all have been awesome to read through. I made this thread without my wife knowing but after seeing how many people responded I let her read it all, it opened up alot of doors that we had not crossed yet and it really helped us. We have decided to try and save our marriage. Understanding that it's going to be a long process. Personally my emotions go up and down like a roller coaster for a couple hours I will be okay, not normal, but okay. And then all it takes is one mental image and I go into a short rage and then feel like I'm back to zero. If anyone has any tips at all to help with the mental visuals I would love to hear them,
again thank you all your words have already helped us start to save our marriage.
I think I can help you to lose the mental images - aka flashbacks.
Lots of people have flashbacks to a point of trauma, and lots of born again believers have indeed been pulled out of astonishingly gross situation by God Himself. So take heart that you are never alone with your flashbacks. And take heart also, that many many others live with flashbacks every day of their lives....little children...rape victims.....victims of crime too hideous to mention.
When I have flashbacks, and they used to be very frequent before I was saved and born again into Christ, I didnt know what to do with them - before I was saved.
But after i was saved, I immediately had a tool courtesy of the grace of God.....and this is how I used the gracious tool
The flashback comes.....I say out loud "SATAN BE GONE. GET BEHIND ME! In Jesus name BE GONE! Lord please keep that from my mind. Take it from me, in Jesus name....Anyway, eventually, I noticed the flashbacks had faded...and now i hardly ever get them....certainly dont feel the hurt of it any more. All glory to God
And you know, Gods weapons and tools are so mighty and powerful that if I ever have the flashback nowadays, I can and do laugh at it

because now I know that I am His beloved, and satan cannot touch my life...he can try, but the God in me is far stronger and far more loving than any ugly reminder that the evil one might try and put in my way....Knowng this about God and His ways, has allowed me to overcome.
He is awesome. He loves you. He loves your wife. He cannot love either of you any more than He already does.
Both of you might want to focus on God and His love. His love that saved your marriage, and is right now giving you both a renewal of heart and mind.
Let Him bring you heaven into your hearts, and enjoy the renewal and refreshing of your beautiful union of souls - your marriage.
And be aware that your anger is not of God, and please seek the opposite fruit of the spirit to overcome your anger - and that would be love joy and peace - in fact all of Galatians 5:22. God will not want you to be angry. He will be wanting you to forgive in loving kindness, with both of you seeking him for your futures with Him.
The Lords prayer will also be an appropriate prayer to say out loud with each other as you stand before your Heavenly Father.
Be blessed beloved, and have joy and peace and love everywhere you are.
All will be overcome, because He loves you both, and wants you to overcome both of your different temptations here. He is uniting you for His purpose. Seek Him together and you will see Him, lifting you both up and loving you both.
His love for you both will overcome everything - you just need to move forward - run forward even, in complete and utter faith in your Heavenly Father. He has plans for you, but first you both needed to have something to overcome. So overcome, and rejoice. There is something amazing awaiting Christ.
Thankyou Father for your blessings of favour in this marriage of heavenly union and reunion. Let them rejoice in your everlasting favour of forgivness and abounding love rekindled. Strength in the renewal. Strength Strength Strength, and Love Love Love Love Love
Thankyou Father for the blessing You have made them to each other. Thankyou Father Thankyou Father Thankyou Father.
In Jesus mighty name. Amen
God bless you both indeed. You are His beloveds!