Lol. I requoted these two posts,
and even reversed the order, for the benefit
of anyone else reading in, and thinking perhaps
the two ideas were at odds with each other.
They are not, and I wrote 'Lol' because this thought
just made me chuckle a bit in it's simplicity.....
We want to stop all this 'I'm sorry' stuff...
And we want to grow in Christ-likeness...
I guess one way to do both, is to stop
doing stuff that I should be sorry for.
(Duh me, right?)
And the idea of more gratitude is a great step in that direction.
Instead of 'sorry I did this', 'sorry I'm like that',
change it to,
'Thank you, Lord, for forgiveness in Jesus Christ'.
'Thank you, Lord, for leading me
from wrongful thinking/believing/doing',
'Thank you, Lord, for teaching me and loving me
so much so, that you not only gave your
only begotten Son for me, but you also want to help me
grow into the image and likeness of you, my God and Savior.
Thank you, Lord for your amazing grace!
What a valuable lesson. We all need Jesus.....,
being thankful we have Him is a great way to
help eliminate many wrongs, AND many 'sorries'.
THANKS again for the thread and
everyone adding good stuff!
(SORRY I'm so slow to learn)
Lol lol ... sorry, couldn't resist ...
old habits die hard, ya know?!