My kids say I am wrong to say "I am sorry, but you have to lay the table." What I am saying is I do not like being a dictator, but I know it needs to be done, so I am expressing regret of having to force a situation, but I do.
I suppose when God judges mankind and us, he could apologise first, but I do not read that in scripture. Facts are facts.
Maybe we have just got too scared of the back biting that comes when we force an issue so try and head it off with sorry.
It would probably be more honest to ignore the sorry and just be forceful, because though one regrets the need to do the action, it has to be done.
I need to grow up, and count the cost, and bite the bullet and not excuse my action before the attack. That is probably devaluing the response, and taking away their ability to complain, which is not respecting their rights. I must stop saying sorry, I am so sorry to have to tell you this all, but I know I must, but it fills me with so much regret to have to dare to be assertive.
Ok I am not sorry. If it needs to be said, say it, do it. If people backlash, it is their problem. This site is teaching me this lesson, and for a number I am not sorry over what I said, it had to be said.