It has nothing to do with Muslims being right or wrong. This is a flesh matter. Yes, I don't doubt for a second that it's a real struggle for men to be around women who dress inappropriately. That's the flesh for ya! It's never going to submit to God.
[Romans 8:7 - And so our carnal man is God's enemy because it's controlled by human nature; for it does not obey God's law, and in fact it cannot obey it.]
By the same token, women struggle with the fact that men gawk at women who dress inappropriately, make sexist comments about women, men who blame women for their own fleshly habits, or are addicted to pornography. We are all responsible to answer to God alone. If we lust, it's because we are drawn away by our
own human nature.
And it certainly does not help the matter when religious fanatics (men & women both) jump on some frenzied bandwagon and harp in unison like the Pharisaic Fashion Police. *derp*
You can't expect the world to change for you. All you can do is change YOU and make the world a better place. That goes for every one of us.
I advise you to look at women through the eyes of Christ Jesus and not acknowledge any females according to the flesh. Start there.