And if you don't believe me, how about a word from Jesus?
"But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart." Matt 5:28
First I would like to thank Jesus before hand for seeing me thought this thread...
Angela, I was almost happy when I started reading your post I thought "finally a person who get's it" - this was in response to the prayer 5 x a day thing. I have previously posted that Jesus
would love such devotion (if it's real and true to heart) which as some have pointed out on here - for muslims may NOT be the case. They are literally forced to pray or be punished or even killed. So our state of faith in the west is what it is... it won't change.
On the subject of modest dress lemme again address my concerns....
O wait first ...
1. If you are literally blind to the world... you have made it! Please move along... enjoy your walk in faith and leave me alone...
1.1 If you never sin and are never tempted by anything worldly - go away - you are in a much better place than I. I certainly have NO time to argue with perfect people.
For those who care...
all women into this. MANY CHRISTIAN women DO dress in a modest manner as do MANY other women for what ever reason. So NO this thread was not and is not directed at women on this site, their families, friends, distant relatives, acquaintances, co-workers, neighbors, or any one else they may have, or will in the future, interact with in anyway. - I find it insane (and concerning really) some have taken it so personally -
Also - For the exceptionally versed women on men and men's personal issues you already know the following so
please move along. Your insightful replies and to willingness to understand have been well received - thank you! And may God always bless you for your open hearts.
For the others...
3. O O - Shock report -
Men are visual creatures - and guess what - some of us get tempted by the flesh. Strong as we may be. It's pure chaos ppl!!
4. When we idk... go the grocery store, the PARK with our kids, the beach or any* pool, turn on the TV to ANY* channel, just open the internet, look at the news, watch ANY* movie, and see ass cheeks hanging out of daisy dukes, women with accentuated large boobs eating a ... oh idk... a burger... or yoga pants so tight not only can you see the entire ass crack but also frontal camel toe, women with large breasts who wear low cut halter tops, micro bikinis, etc...
SOMETIMES we look AND get TEMPTED... crazy I know.!! weak we are
We are men of GOD for God's sake! How dare we... such sinners!!
(and you better believe it's unfortunate) we tend to have greater sex drives - something to do with sexuality/reproduction/survival of man kind...I
or maybe it's just pure sin from satan! O no!!!!!!!!
Anyway, my original question was - if those who tempt are sinning... and the answer is
yes. Case closed.
So as with most in life... it is what it is... I know I am not alone on this issue...
And a sincere thank you to those who have defended me on this.
Shall we consider the matter closed then?
Before replying in offense -
*Any - in this post does not literally mean ANY as in all inclusive - it's being used for dramatic effect to demonstrate the vastness of the scantily clad women in our society.
I'm sorry if you thought I was speaking to you. I was actually talking about the whole thread. In a way, it did get abducted to be about women and lewd dress and what it does to men.
I don't think I even addressed that in my post. Because I do agree totally with the people who say that too many women in North America dress in ways that are totally unacceptable.
I was a professional musician, played in bars, pubs and concerts before I was saved. I was always covered from head to toe. I wore dressed that covered everything, pants, skirts, but they all had to be modest. I guess that is because I knew in my heart that making people drunk was bad enough, but exposing myself to the lewd stares of drunk men was a step I was not willing to take. I suppose I would never have made it in show biz, because I was not willing to go the skimpy clothes route, which sadly, men never have to worry about. That is real sexism - that women have to dress immodestly to be popular in the music industry but men can wear whatever they feel comfortable in.
Anyway, my point was not about burkas or women, but again, that we do need as a people to pray, to seek God and to serve him with all our hearts. The Muslims are fanatics and their religion is dangerous. I think we can all agree. But their dedication to their wrongful cause is something we need to look at.
Are we sold out to Jesus totally? Are we deny ourselves daily, picking up our cross and walking with him? Surely, we who serve the living God can do so much more than the pagans!
" And he said to all, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. 24 For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it. 25 For what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses or forfeits himself?" Luke 9:23-25