Hi ServantStrike. I am sorry I took a while to respond to this. I have considered that position many times.
Christians are expected to not allow injustice and to help the needy. I've said this before many times.
However I still don't see how guns must be the solution. There are other means of self defence or protection.
I would go a step further and say total disarmament rather.
This was my personal belief, more so because the topic was about INDIA, my country. Our country was born out of a non violent movement and the Father of our Nation Mahatma Gandhi, who was deeply influenced by Jesus, especially the verse "To Turn the other cheek" believed that arms was not the solution and he was right. I don't want my country to take that route of endorsing violence in any form.
It is my personal conviction.
However I had to spend a lot of time to go through all the attacks by the outraged Americans, ranging from pouring scorn over Qatar and India, to insinuate quoting Scripture as victim blaming, to calling trusting in God as twisted thinking, to go so far as to write a story about my death. (reasons I didn't respond soon enough)
I used to be a pro-guns anarchist Defense Distributed , liberation person until I found Jesus. My views changed. I don't really care anymore. I just want to follow Jesus and how he lived. Did he wield a sword? No.
Each one of us has been called to serve God with our own gifts. Each one of us has differing levels of faith. It is after all a matter of our conscience before God.
However these are questions I can ask you.
Does having a gun provide 100% protection?
Is the assurance of a gun beside you an assurance of your life too? Will a gun always prove worthy? Even if you were witnessing a crime or defending someone else, are the odds always going to be in favour of the party with a gun?
What if both parties have guns? No life at hand is certainity.
People might say, I am being very "illogical" saying I trust only God for my protection. There are some here who go around claiming academic degrees on logic and statistics, but since when did a virgin giving birth be logical?
Also, the question could be put, in a life or death situation, and someone attacked me, wouldn't I defend myself? Yes of course, it's a first reflex.
I just don't want to be holding a gun in my hand and being responsible for the death of another being. Or disabling or injuring them.
So what's going to protect me if I carry no arms.
God. Yes I put my trust in his protection. Even if no other person is beside me. No other vigilante.
It might seem impossible. But what is impossibe for man, is possible for God.
My advice is to wait until the return of Christ to go beating those swords into plowshares. If you decide not to wait, at the very least, please don't go advocating this view for others. Let them make their own decisions.
Total disarmament leads to abuses in power at the highest echelons. Always. Maybe not immediately, but since Christ Himself said out of the heart comes wickedness, the hearts of men always end up going back towards wickedness. A disarmed population is an easily controlled population.
There are entire countries where well meaning individuals (many of them Christians) decided to take it upon themselves to petition the government to disarm the population. Now the UK Olympic shooting team can't even practice on their home soil, and despite the fact that handguns are illegal there, they still have one of the highest crime rates of any developed nation. Disarmament did not stop the crime, but it took away freedoms for law abiding citizens.
If you want to see where total disarmament leads, ask the Germans about what happened when Hitler went after the guns, ask the Russians what happened when Stalin went after the guns, ask the Italians about what happened when Mussolini went after the guns.
It doesn't end well, historically.
I gave you my response.
It is heavily influenced by the fact I am a Christian.
I was asleep by the time you wrote both responses. Time zone differences, remember

. Again though, if that's how you feel, that's your prerogative, but please don't advocate it at the political level, as it takes options off the table for others.
My Christian response is this is what Christ told his apostles to do in Luke 22:36.
Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take
it, and likewise
his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.
It's not just the KJV either, it says that in the NASB
And He said to them, "But now, whoever has a money belt is to take it along, likewise also a bag, and whoever has no sword is to sell his coat and buy one.
My response is also that I'm in no position to ever want to take a life, but that the right to personal safety stops during the commission of a crime. If someone wants to steal your wallet, let them take it, but if they want to maim or kill, then the choice is clear - either be maimed or killed, or allow others to be maimed or killed, or fight back.