Let's review a very basic tenant of the economy:
Rich people don't create jobs, consumers do.
Consumers require pocket money, else they have nothing to spend. If people don't spend there is less demand for products. Rich people do not create jobs to provide products no one is buying.
In the case of the hamburger flipper, more money in his pocket means he buys more hamburgers. The difference in pay is made up thru a greater volume of sales.
Too, poor people rely on government handouts - food stamps, housing vouchers, healthcare that you and I end up paying for... this is why the Walton family, of Walmart and Sam's Club fame, is one of the nation's biggest welfare recipients. Because
you and I thru our taxes subsidize
their employees.
And let's not forget good old greed. These same companies who claim they can't afford a raise in wages have parked trillions of dollars offshore, where they benefit no one except corporate executives.
Let's take a look at some corporate executives who rail against a living wage:
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"We can't afford to pay a living wage" is a smokescreen. Bought into by the very people who subsidize those who do not make a living wage.
We have met the enemy, and he is us!