Three people were in the car and heard what he said because the phone was on speaker. This isn't a conspiracy
it belongs in the conspiracy forum, not because of this one incident (which some are MORE than happy to pretend is the worse thing anyone on the planet, during even the reign of Genghis Khan and Ivan the Terrible combined have ever said or thought), no, not because of that
it belongs in the conspiracy forum BECAUSE OF THE ACTUAL CONSPIRACY to make Trump the object of hatred of people who prefer to get their news from those who relate the news with the intent of lying, exagerating or pretending they are shocked at anything and everything Trump does because no matter what he does, says or means, it is EVIL...full frontal blown out evil such as the world has never seen and likely will never see again
I may have left out something there which may also be interpreted as evil by those who hate Trump because they cannot manipulate him or make a dent anywhere it actually matters
except of course for malleable minds of those who have failed to exercise discernment by continually believing lies and choosing to continually believe said lies
those minds have pre-existing dents into which lies are easily inserted
you can quote me