I don't trust Fox...they proved they are not fair the last two elections
Lol no one trusts foxes, they are sly and elusive creatures, and sometimes have rabies.
Nevertheless you can trust the fact that the first 2016 mainstream GOP sanctioned debate will be held on FOX News. That FOX News has arbitrarily decided the top 10 GOP contenders based on some polls that polled at best a few thousand people. Lol don't worry though, they'll have debates on the other networks too and they all have a different arbitration of picking their arbitrary fantasy made reality GOP debate. Even if you don't like the GOP, with this crowd and Trump I think we're all expecting a circus so should be entertaining. We'll see though.
Also to Desdichado, I get this issue its been played heavily and obviously by those left out of the first primetime debate lol. The logical FOX defense be the point of the debate is to get the best winner to put up against the Democrats, namely the looming possibility of Hillary Clinton, the person in the world they love to talk the most about, getting the nomination with no decisive opponent against her yet,
However there is merit in your point, but the next fairest be statewide for the debate is in Ohio. Lol, remember, democracy and republics are shams, monarchy is the only true form of government. It just so happens as citizen-monarch I like this case. In this special case with the debate, it is in Ohio, my little sub-kingdom in our vast and shared empire. Lol, in which case the only substantial difference in line-up be Kasich would be frontrunner instead of dark horse.
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - Ohio Republican Presidential Primary