Quote anything I've said that is anti Bible
This is a typical FALSE DILEMMA... shifting something I said into something else.
I never said I was going to "mine you for quotes"...
I said I was going to point out your "anti-biblical bias"... meaning your "overall views".
So, since I said I was going to point out some "anti-biblical bias"... lets do that.
1. Out of all the news sources in the WHOLE WORLD, where you could look for a Thanksgiving story... you bypassed EVERY NEWS SITE IN THE WHOLE WORLD... and you picked "LGBTQnation.com ... a magazine that promotes the homosexual agenda which is clearly AGAINST the teachings of the bible.
2. Out all the TYPES of stories in the WHOLE WORLD, which you could pick to epitomize "helping the needy"... you bypassed EVERY STORY in the WHOLE WORLD, and picked ONLY a story about 2 openly perverted celebrities who promote homosexuality, visiting a home for homosexual teens... a safe haven for teens who intend to STAY IN THEIR SIN... contrary to the bible.
As Christians, I think we can all agree that these teens don't need a chit-chat with perverted celebrities who have more problems than THEY do.... what they need is the gospel.
What about the Christian ministers who should be helping them?
They don't want them!!!!
They only want to hear from religious people if no religion is involved:
Stop Religious Rejection - Ali Forney
A. From the above page we find:
Christians are great as long as you BRING US FOOD, BRING US GIFTS, DONATE MONEY, and AGREE WITH US.
We'll take your money, and we OFTEN DO!
B. Christians are BAD if you talk about ANYTHING in the Bible that DISAGREES with us.
You can't talk about sin, need for a savior to deliver us and change us, or anything like that... no sinners here, homosexuality is great great great!!! We want all Christians to feel awful and guilty for saying homosexuality is sinful. Calling it sin is BAD BAD BAD.
If you disagree with us we'll openly call you bigots.
You are NOT allowed to disagree with us.
Christians to them are nothing more than ATM machines.
We need to shut up, stop talking, and just give them our money.
3. I googled "helping the needy on Thanksgiving" and got 477,000 results... and yet the ONLY story you could find was about 2 Godless perverted celebrities, who promote perverted activities, visiting teens mired in perversion, holed up in a Godless, perverted refuge that won't even allow Ministers to preach the gospel.
Really, it's all just lovely.
Every Christian believes in "helping the needy".
But Dude's thread has nothing to do with "helping the needy".
Dude's thread is about "helping his political views".
And... supporting a refuge where the gospel isn't even allowed... that is HURTING THE NEEDY.