Mexico said it "will" take back "Mexican nationals"(their citizens) but Texas needs to contact the nations the others came from and arrange deportation through them(China,Russia,Brazil,Gaza/Israel ect.)
Mexico won't accept deportations from Texas, calls law 'dehumanizing'
Mexico says it won’t accept immigrants back to its territory from Texas ‘under any circumstances’
Mexico and the cartels have been waging war against the USA since they lost their territories. But the politicians do not wish to face this fact. Now their president says they will not accept deportees from a state (Texas). But even if the federal government took action (under Trump) they would still refuse to take responsibility. The national origin of the illegals is immaterial. They all came directly from Mexico. But Mexico knows that today the USA is weak and lawless, so they are more belligerent. And Biden word hand-in-hand with the cartels. So there is no moral authority under his regime.
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