My FB is still rocking! Both for and against. There was one really awesome video interviewing people who had worked with Trump - women, Latinos, and one place where a black woman asked how he was going to create jobs, and he brought her to the front and gave her a job. She was crying - a professional woman.
Anyway, I'm still seeing this horrible "we're going to hold everything that was said against him, right or wrong, forever!" These are Christians! Have they forgotten a basic of the Bible is to forgive? Yes, we need to right wrongs,, but until Trump does something wrong, they have no right to hold anything against him.
Sadly, Trump was acting in the debates, or so I think having seen him as a reasonable, intelligent person since he was elected in his speeches. He won "Who can act like the biggest......... to be president?" Hillary, and her cold fury, lost. But for Canadians as for me, we only saw media clips, plus the debates of him acting like an intensive boor. I blame the media, but Donald did put one over. Fortunately, it was Hillary that made me see the light, with her "tragic late term abortions." NOT!
The result of this, is sore losers who are now trying to lobby electors and send petitions to them to change their vote to Democrat. It was all over my FB today. In a few more days, I am just going to discuss the meaning of "sore loser" with these people. I know I will lose them as friends, because these people are hysterical and have already deleted many long time friends.
Politics is important, but it should never divide friends. Nor should a legitimately elected president result in rioting in the streets which is still going on!
Gays are really angry, but hey! I have see clips of Trump waving rainbow flags and hugging militant gays. He is not going to change gay marriage, is my thought, but even if he deals with abortion only, as far as social concerns go, the US will be miles ahead in claiming back the US for God. Oh and no men in the women's washrooms, please, Mr. Trump?