Over the years, I've run into people:
1. Who are unhappy with me because I tend to drop several threads here, and,
2. People who are unhappy with me I'm apparently not churning out threads fast enough, or using their ideas.
I have to gently but firmly remind people that I'm not a trained monkey here for entertainment value, believe it or not.

Many times I write only because something's really on my mind, or because it seems like so few others are willing to step up and do it.
I naturally gravitate towards people who are willing to not only put in the work, but take on the risk as well.
Some people are blessed to be able to be on CC almost all the time--unfortunately, I'm not one of them.

Work and my regular life are always a first priority, so I won't be able to contribute to some things as much as I'd like.
My suggestion would be to have a series of 2 or 3 threads in which people can really get to know a little bit about each other, to have things to be able to remember others by and make it actually possible to make matches, even if just for fun. Or maybe some kind of thread in which people basically say, "Hey, here I am, here's a little about me... and I'd love to be included." But a person has to give us something to work with first--we can't match you if we don't know much about you.
And then... It's on to a Re-Match.
However, I don't have nearly the time it would take to do all this... So... if others have suggestions... and want to get it rolling with some Get-To-Know-You threads... Please. By all means, take it away.
What other thoughts and suggestions do people have?