The way I figure it, it would be really hard to write about someone else because it's obvious that a lot of people don't know each other, or don't know enough about each other.
I know everyone gets excited to see who they'd be matched up with... But we'd need to know enough about them to be able to try and not just pull random names out of a hat.
I also don't want to steal any thunder from Conversationand--this is his most awesome post and of course, it should definitely be his say as to how we go about things next.
Since it's been suggested that we have a thread in which we write about people (but I think this might be even harder because so many people don't know each other), I propose we start 3 new threads:
1. One in which people say something about someone else, which gives us some clues about them as to who they might be a fun match with.
2. One in which people talk about themselves so we can get to know more about them.
Also, it would be understood that if anyone wanted to participate in the matching game, they should participate in these two threads. It's hard to pull people out of thin air, but they if they voluntarily give us something to work with in these two threads, it at least gives us a database of people to work with.
And finally, thread number 3: The ReMatch!!!
These are just my suggestions.

Anyone could write them (I already get enough people asking me to write threads--it'd be nice to share the workload a bit.)
Like I said, this is all due to Conversation's cleverness

, and I think the main direction of where we might go next should be up to him.
I also work and have several other responsibilities to take care of... You guys just happened to catch me on a night I had off.